I am using the UIAccelerotmeterDelegate
method accelerometer:didAccelerate: but recently that method has been deprecated in iOS 5.0. So what is the alternative way
I am answering this for Swift 5.x.
@available(iOS, introduced: 2.0, deprecated: 13.0, message: "UIAcceleration has been replaced by the CoreMotion framework") public protocol UIAccelerometerDelegate : NSObjectProtocol { }
Don't conform to UIAccelerometerDelegate and add only CoreMotion framework.
import CoreMotion
If you want to show animation or create game , you can start with following code.
self.motionManager = CMMotionManager()
if motionManager.isAccelerometerAvailable {
motionManager.startAccelerometerUpdates(to: .main) { (data, error) in
if let myData = data {
let x = String(format: "%.3f",myData.acceleration.x)
let y = String(format: "%.3f",myData.acceleration.y)
let z = String(format: "%.3f",myData.acceleration.z)
DispatchQueue.main.async {
var rect = self.anyObject.frame
let movetoX = rect.origin.x + CGFloat(myData.acceleration.x * stepMoveFactor)
let movetoY = rect.origin.y - CGFloat(myData.acceleration.y * stepMoveFactor)
if ( movetoX > 0 && movetoX < SCREEN_WIDTH ) {
rect.origin.x += CGFloat(myData.acceleration.x * stepMoveFactor)
if ( movetoY > 1 && movetoY < maxY ) {
rect.origin.y -= CGFloat(myData.acceleration.y * stepMoveFactor) }
use UIView.animate if you want. This method initiates a set of animations to perform on the view. The block object in the animations parameter contains the code for animating the properties of one or more views.