i\'m trying and, so far, failing to use python asyncio to access a serial port.
i\'d really appreciate any tips on using the new python async framework on a simple fd.>
Here's my try at asyncio serial port. This interface lets you wrap a serial.Serial instance into AIOSerial class, which then enables you to do await AIOSerial.readline()
and await AIOSerial.write(data)
and not have to use asyncio.Protocol() style callbacks.
import asyncio
import sys
import serial
class AIOSerial:
def __init__(self, serial, ioloop=None):
self._serial = serial
# Asynchronous I/O requires non-blocking devices
self._serial.timeout = 0
self._serial.write_timeout = 0
if ioloop is not None:
self.loop = ioloop
self.loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
self.loop.add_reader(self._serial.fd, self._on_read)
self._rbuf = b''
self._rbytes = 0
self._wbuf = b''
self._rfuture = None
self._delimiter = None
def _on_read(self):
data = self._serial.read(4096)
self._rbuf += data
self._rbytes = len(self._rbuf)
def _on_write(self):
written = self._serial.write(self._wbuf)
self._wbuf = self._wbuf[written:]
if not self._wbuf:
def _check_pending_read(self):
future = self._rfuture
if future is not None:
# get data from buffer
pos = self._rbuf.find(self._delimiter)
if pos > -1:
ret = self._rbuf[:(pos+len(self._delimiter))]
self._rbuf = self._rbuf[(pos+len(self._delimiter)):]
self._delimiter = self._rfuture = None
return future
async def read_until(self, delimiter=b'\n'):
while self._delimiter:
await self._rfuture
self._delimiter = delimiter
self._rfuture = asyncio.Future()
#future = self._check_pending_read()
return await self._rfuture
async def readline(self):
return await self.read_until()
async def write(self, data):
need_add_writer = not self._wbuf
self._wbuf = self._wbuf + data
if need_add_writer:
self.loop.add_writer(self._serial.fd, self._on_write)
return len(data)
Example usage:
async def go_serial():
ser = serial.Serial(sys.argv[1], 9600) #, rtscts=True, dsrdtr=True)
aser = AIOSerial(ser)
written = await aser.write(b'test 1\n')
print('written', written)
data = await aser.readline()
print('got from readline', data)
while True:
await aser.write(b'.\n')
data = await aser.readline()
print('GOT!', data)
await asyncio.sleep(2.78)
async def main():
for n in range(120):
await asyncio.sleep(1)
print('n=%d' % n)
if __name__ == "__main__":
loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
This sets up serial port and two asyncio tasks: go_serial and main. Main just runs for 120 seconds and then the loop exits. go_serial writes and reads to serial port, expecting reply for every line sent.
Reading and writing to serial port is then done with await aser.write(b'blah')
and await aser.readline()
(or await aser.read_until(b'\r\n')
if you want a different separator).
Note that it's not really production ready, as one would want to have some limits for the amount of buffer in place.
To test this I simulate a serial port with the following script, which outputs the name of the pty created, which is then the parameter to the upper example.
import fcntl
import time
import os
import errno
import pty
chars = []
ser, s = pty.openpty()
oldflags = fcntl.fcntl(ser, fcntl.F_GETFL)
# make the PTY non-blocking
fcntl.fcntl(ser, fcntl.F_SETFL, oldflags | os.O_NONBLOCK)
print('Created: %s' % os.ttyname(s))
while True:
c = None
c = os.read(ser, 10)
except OSError as err:
if err.errno == errno.EAGAIN or err.errno == errno.EWOULDBLOCK:
c = None
if c:
data = b''.join(chars)
if b'\n' in data:
one, data = data.split(b'\n', 1)
b = b'%.6f\n' % time.time()
os.write(ser, b)
chars = [data]