I was wondering how would one create a javascript function for transposing music chords.
Since I don\'t expect everyone to be a musician here, I\'ll try to explain how i
Just to expand on nnnnnn's answer. We can take his code and add a little bit more code to actually make it work with flats.
transposeChord("F#sus7/A#", 1)
> "Gsus7/B"
transposeChord("Bb", 1)
> "B"
... works like a charm
function transposeChord(chord, amount) {
var scale = ["C", "C#", "D", "D#", "E", "F", "F#", "G", "G#", "A", "A#", "B"]
var normalizeMap = {"Cb":"B", "Db":"C#", "Eb":"D#", "Fb":"E", "Gb":"F#", "Ab":"G#", "Bb":"A#", "E#":"F", "B#":"C"}
return chord.replace(/[CDEFGAB](b|#)?/g, function(match) {
var i = (scale.indexOf((normalizeMap[match] ? normalizeMap[match] : match)) + amount) % scale.length;
return scale[ i < 0 ? i + scale.length : i ];
transposed by