Is there a way to do this in one line?
$x =~ s/^\\s+//;
$x =~ s/\\s+$//;
In other words, remove all leading and trailing whitespace from a stri
Tanktalus shows a benchmark for very small strings, but the problems get worse as the strings get bigger. In his code, I changed the top portion:
my $a = 'a' x 1_000_000;
my @x = (
" $a ",
"$a ",
" $a"
I get these results:
Rate single capture trick double
single 2.09/s -- -12% -98% -98%
capture 2.37/s 13% -- -98% -98%
trick 96.0/s 4491% 3948% -- -0%
double 96.4/s 4512% 3967% 0% --
As the string gets bigger, using "trick" and "double" are almost the same, and the common solution that most people go for, the "single" (including me, because I can't break that habit even though I know this), really starts to suck.
Whenever you look at a benchmark, think about what it's telling you. To see if you understand it, change the data and try again. Make arrays long, scalars big, and so on. Make loops, greps, or regexes find stuff at the start, middle, and end. See if the new results match your prediction. Figure out what the trend is. Does performance get better and better, approach a limit, peak then start to decline, or something else?