So I am trying to learn heroku and yesterday from another computer I created an app. Today, from a different computer I am trying to clone the app (download the code) and keep w
This is counterintuitive, but looks like it is by design at Heroku. You don't copy from Heroku git to local drive, but the other way around - from your PC to Heroku.
You need to create or clone a repository on your local PC.
git create OR
git clone
then init your repository and commit code:
$ cd myapp
$ git init
Initialized empty Git repository in .git/
$ git add .
$ git commit -m "my first commit"
Then you need to link your repository with Heroku. Download their Toolbelt and run:
heroku git:remote -a your_app_name_on_heroku
And deploy code:
git push heroku master
Hope that helps. I had to open a ticket at Heroku to figure this out. Check Heroku Git instructions for further reference.