Javascript vs. IE8 - Expected identifier, string or number

后端 未结 3 1955
孤城傲影 2021-02-08 06:34

No, it\'s not an extra comma.

Here is the snip that is giving me the problem.


  •  有刺的猬
    2021-02-08 07:09

    In 2015. if you still care about IE8 compatibility (more or less), my issue with this error was only manifesting on a live server, but didn't happen on localhost (go figure). And, it triggered IE8 error in such a way that it went down into IE7 Compatibility View, which also sucks just the same as Quirks Mode.

    In any case, the problem could not be solved by any of the above tips, and the issue was a trailing comma after listing some parameters/options.

    For Example:

            rules: {
                parameter1: {
                    option1: true,
                    option2: 1,
                    option3: 5
            }, // <- this trailing comma is fatal to IE8
