Programmatically accessing internal storage (not SD card) on Verizon HTC Droid Incredible (Android)

前端 未结 3 779
北海茫月 2021-02-08 05:58

I\'m trying to find information on how to programmatically access the HTC Droid Incredible\'s supposed 8GB of Internal Storage M

  •  有刺的猬
    2021-02-08 06:36

    There is more information here: Droid Incredible storage mount points. It seems that Droid Incredible mounts its internal storage to /emmc, supposedly mounted r/w. It is not yet verified whether the WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE permission is necessary in order to gain r/w access - I'm trying to get this information from Google Code

    I will probably solve this by allowing the user two options to store the data:

    1. SD-Card
    2. Droid Incredible-only Internal storage

    Edit: It seems that the WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE permission is sufficient: according to droidForums both /sdcard and /emmc has the same GID of 1015.

    Edit2: According to Google Group Thread the Incredible returns /sdcard as the result value of Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory(). Therefore, the user needs to decide whether he wants to use /sdcard or /emmc. The auto-detection of Incredible may be based on existence of the /emmc path.
