What is the most efficient algorithm to print all unique combinations of factors of a positive integer. For example if the given number is 24 then the output should be
vector GetAllFactors(unsigned int number)
vector factors;
for (int i = 2; i <= number; i++)
if (number % i == 0)
return factors;
void DoCombinationWithRepetitionFactors(vector allFactors, unsigned currentProduct, unsigned targetProduct, vector currentFactorSet, unsigned currentFactorIndex)
if (currentProduct == targetProduct)
for (auto a : currentFactorSet)
cout << a << " , ";
cout << endl;
for (int i = currentFactorIndex; i < allFactors.size(); i++)
if (currentProduct * allFactors[i] <= targetProduct)
DoCombinationWithRepetitionFactors(allFactors, currentProduct * allFactors[i], targetProduct, currentFactorSet, i);