When working with jenkins 2 (declarative) pipelines and maven I always have a problem with how to organize things within the pipeline to make it resusable and flexible.
I think there is no right answer, but the following example worked for us.
stage('Build and Unit Test') {
mvn clean deploy -> with unit tests, without integration tests, deploy local
deploy local:
You can define in a maven profile the distributionManagement like:
stage('Pre Integration Tests') {
The binaries are now in target/repository.
From there you can use the binaries as you like.
Copy them to a server, deploy them on an application server, etc.
stage('Integration Tests') {
maven failsafe:integration-test failsafe:verify
Already all tests are compiled, just execute them and verify the result.
stage('Deploy to Binary Repository (Nexus, Artifactory, etc)') {
Now if everything is ok, finally upload the Binaries.
For that we use wagon-maven-plugin
So from target/repository the files are uploaded to the Binary Repository.
So to wrap this up: