Swift in playground on Mac OS. When the user clicks in a UItextfield, a keyboard spawns but it is very large compared to the view and only the first few keys are available.
I face the same issue. It seems as if Playground has a hard-coded screen size of 768x1024 (run UIScreen.main.bounds
in the Playground) and shows the keyboard according to this size, independently of the live view's actual size.
The best workaround I came up with is to increase the size of the view controller so that it matches the keyboard:
let vc = TesterViewController()
vc.preferredContentSize = vc.view.frame.size // or a custom CGSize
PlaygroundPage.current.liveView = vc
Of course this makes the view larger than you might want it to be, so I only use this workaround when I really have to access the on-screen keyboard for testing.