Much is written about the advantages of immutable state, but are there common cases in Scala where it makes sense to prefer mutable classes? (This is a Scala newbie question fr
I'll use a different, classic, OO modeling example: bank accounts.
These are used in practically every OO course on the planet, and the design you usually end up with is something like this:
class Account(var balance: BigDecimal) {
def transfer(amount: BigDecimal, to: Account): Unit = {
balance -= amount
to.balance += amount
IOW: the balance is data, and the transfer is an operation. (Note also that the transfer is a complex operation involving multiple mutable objects, which however should be atomic, not complex … so you need locking etc.)
However, that is wrong. That's not how banking systems are actually designed. In fact, that's not how actual real-world (physical) banking works, either. Actual physical banking and actual banking systems work like this:
class Account(implicit transactionLog: TransactionLog) {
def balance = transactionLog.reduceLeft(_ + _)
class TransactionSlip(from: Account, to: Account, amount: BigDecimal)
IOW: the balance is an operation and the transfer is data. Note that everything here is immutable. The balance is just a left fold of the transaction log.
Note also that we didn't even end up with a purely functional, immutable design as an explicit design goal. We just wanted to model the banking system correctly and ended up with a purely functional, immutable design by coincidence. (Well, it's actually not by coincidence. There's a reason why real-world banking works that way, and it has the same benefits as it has in programming: mutable state and side-effects make systems complex and confusing … and in banking that means money disappearing.)
The point here is that the exact same problem can be modeled in very different ways, and depending on the model, you might up with something which is trivial to make purely immutable or very hard.