I\'m converting a list of Foo objects to a JSON string. I need to parse the JSON string back into a list of Foos. However in the following example, parsing gives me a list of JS
I've taken this code and extended it to work with nested structures. It relies on a 'class' attribute existing in the JSON. If there's a better way by now in Grails please let me know.
// The default JSON parser just creates generic JSON objects. If there are nested
// JSON arrays they are not converted to theirs types but are left as JSON objects
// This converts nested JSON structures into their types.
// IT RELIES ON A PROPERTY 'class' that must exist in the JSON tags
JSON.metaClass.static.parseJSONToTyped = {def jsonObjects ->
def typedObjects = jsonObjects.collect {JSONObject jsonObject ->
throw new Exception("JSON parsing failed due to the 'class' attribute missing: " + jsonObject)
def targetClass = grailsApplication.classLoader.loadClass(jsonObject.get("class"))
def targetInstance = targetClass.newInstance()
// Set the properties of targetInstance
jsonObject.entrySet().each {entry ->
// If the entry is an array then recurse
if(entry.value instanceof org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.json.JSONArray){
def typedSubObjects = parseJSONToTyped(entry.value)
targetInstance."$entry.key" = typedSubObjects
else if (entry.key != "class") {
targetInstance."$entry.key" = entry.value
return typedObjects