I\'m running some sample code from http://www.javaworld.com/article/3060078/big-data/big-data-messaging-with-kafka-part-1.html?page=2, and the kafkaconsumer is consuming from to
Not sure if you are talking about kafka-console-consumer commands, if yes this is what I did:
[training@confluent-training-vm ~]$ cd /etc/kafka
[training@confluent-training-vm kafka]$ grep DEBUG *.properties
log4j.properties:# Change to DEBUG or TRACE to enable request logging
log4j.properties:# Access denials are logged at INFO level, change to DEBUG to also
log allowed accesses
tools-log4j.properties:log4j.rootLogger=DEBUG, stderr
So, you just need to edit /etc/kafka/tools-log4j.properties
file and remove DEBUG
(or replace it for exmaple by INFO
and WARM
log levels on above line
tools-log4j.properties:log4j.rootLogger=INFO, WARM, stderr