How secure is storing salts along with hashed password

后端 未结 3 1812
后悔当初 2021-02-08 00:05

If you had looked at table schema of membership system they store the hash of raw password along with salt used to produce it. see the schema below,


  •  有刺的猬
    2021-02-08 00:34

    For the specifics of ASP.NET password/hash/salt storage see for example

    An attacker is "allowed" to know the salt - your security must be designed in a way that even with the knowledge of the salt it is still secure.

    What does the salt do ?

    Salt aids in defending against brute-force attacks using pre-computed "rainbow-tables".
    Salt makes brute-force much more expensive (in time/memory terms) for the attacker.
    Calculating such a table is expensive and usually only done when it can be used for more than one attack/password.
    IF you use the same salt for all password an attacker could pre-compute such a table and then brute-force your passwords into cleartext...
    As long as you generate a new (best cryptogrpahically strong) random salt for every password you want to store the hash of there is no problem.

    IF you want to strengthen the security further
    You could calculate the hash several times over (hash the hash etc.) - this doesn't cost you much but it makes a brute-force attack / calculating "rainbow-tables" even more expensive... please don't invent yourself - there are proven standard methods to do so, see for example and


    Using such a mechanism is these days mandatrory since "CPU time" (usable for attacks like rainbow tables/brute force etc.) is getting more and more widely available (see for example the fact that Amazon's Cloud service is among the top 50 of fastest supercomuters worldwide and can be used by anyone for a comparatively small amount)!
