I\'m trying to set up some basic synonyms in Solr. The one I\'ve been working on is:
us, usa, united states
My understanding is that adding that to the synonym f
For better understanding of synonym search, Please follow step by step process of implementation below (I am using solr 6.5.* version):
Step 1:
Download country-synonyms.txt text file and place it in below path:
Path: \solr-6.5.1\server\solr\yourCore\conf
yourCore: Name of core should be changed accordingly
Step 2:
Add Field type in managed-schema file in same path mentioned above:
Step 3: Add your field(Nationality) with type country in same file(managed-schema).
Step 4: Restart solr.
solr restart -p
Step 5:
Now import your data with field containing Nationality.***
Step 6:
Now query with below cases and test:
All above queries will give you same result.
Note:*** Import data only after performing above steps including solr restart. It may not work on existing data(For more details refer: AnalyzersTokenizersTokenFilters)