I am using PySpark. I have a column (\'dt\') in a dataframe (\'canon_evt\') that this a timestamp. I am trying to remove seconds from a DateTime value. It is originally read in
Converting to Unix timestamps and basic arithmetics should to the trick:
from pyspark.sql import Row
from pyspark.sql.functions import col, unix_timestamp, round
df = sc.parallelize([
Row(dt='1970-01-01 00:00:00'),
Row(dt='2015-09-16 05:39:46'),
Row(dt='2015-09-16 05:40:46'),
Row(dt='2016-03-05 02:00:10'),
## unix_timestamp converts string to Unix timestamp (bigint / long)
## in seconds. Divide by 60, round, multiply by 60 and cast
## should work just fine.
dt_truncated = ((round(unix_timestamp(col("dt")) / 60) * 60)
df.withColumn("dt_truncated", dt_truncated).show(10, False)
## +-------------------+---------------------+
## |dt |dt_truncated |
## +-------------------+---------------------+
## |1970-01-01 00:00:00|1970-01-01 00:00:00.0|
## |2015-09-16 05:39:46|2015-09-16 05:40:00.0|
## |2015-09-16 05:40:46|2015-09-16 05:41:00.0|
## |2016-03-05 02:00:10|2016-03-05 02:00:00.0|
## +-------------------+---------------------+