I have an application where a user can login. If a user is logged in, then I display a placeholder for my widget and it\'s configurable through an intent extension.
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I found this solution, but for dynamic properties only: use different identifiers for every user in your IntentHandler. Example:
class IntentHandler: XXExtension { ... }
extension IntentHandler: XXDynamicXXXSelectionIntentHandling {
func provideXXXOptionsCollection(for intent: XXDynamicXXXSelectionIntent, with completion: @escaping (XXObjectCollection?, Error?) -> Void) {
let userId = (UserDefaults.myGroup().object(forKey: "UserId" ) as? String) ?? ""
let items: [XXX] = UserDefaults.myGroup().sharedXxx.map { (sharedXxx) -> XXX in
return XXX(identifier: userId + "_" + sharedXxx.Id // <== add unique prefix ===
display: sharedXxx.visibleName())
let collection = XXObjectCollection(items: items)
completion(collection, nil)