How can I edit the config files that are inside of a docker container that has been downloaded on the host?
I am using this tutorial but I am not sure where to find and
There are multiple ways to achieve that:
You can enter the container by running the command:
docker exec -it bash
Note however depending on the container you may not have a simple text editor..
Another alternative would be to copy the file you want to edit from the container onto your host by running:
docker cp :/path/to/file/in/container .
Edit the file and then copy it back into the container:
docker cp :/path/to/file/in/container
Third option is to create a bind mount which will effectively expose the file from the container onto the host
docker run -v $(pwd)/files:/dir/containing/file/in/container ...
This will expose the container folder in the "files" directory, and you can edit the file in the host and it will be directly reflected inside the container.