is there a solution for batch insert via hibernate in partitioned postgresql table? currently i\'m getting an error like this...
ERROR org.hibernate.jdbc.Abstra
Appears if you can use RULES instead of triggers for the insert, then it can return the right number, but only with a single RULE without a WHERE statement.
another option may be to create a view that 'wraps' the partitioned table, then you return the NEW row out to indicate a successful row update, without accidentally adding an extra unwanted row to the master table.
create view tablename_view as select * from tablename; -- create trivial wrapping view
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION partitioned_insert_trigger() -- partitioned insert trigger
IF (NEW.partition_key>= 5500000000 AND
NEW.partition_key < 6000000000) THEN
INSERT INTO tablename_55_59 VALUES (NEW.*);
ELSIF (NEW.partition_key >= 5000000000 AND
NEW.partition_key < 5500000000) THEN
INSERT INTO tablename_50_54 VALUES (NEW.*);
ELSIF (NEW.partition_key >= 500000000 AND
NEW.partition_key < 1000000000) THEN
INSERT INTO tablename_5_9 VALUES (NEW.*);
ELSIF (NEW.partition_key >= 0 AND
NEW.partition_key < 500000000) THEN
INSERT INTO tablename_0_4 VALUES (NEW.*);
RAISE EXCEPTION 'partition key is out of range. Fix the trigger function';
RETURN NEW; -- RETURN NEW in this case, typically you'd return NULL from this trigger, but for views we return NEW
LANGUAGE plpgsql;
CREATE TRIGGER insert_view_trigger
INSTEAD OF INSERT ON tablename_view
FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE partitioned_insert_trigger(); -- create "INSTEAD OF" trigger
If you went the view wrapper route one option is to also define trivial "instead of" triggers for delete and update, as well, then you can just use the name of the view table in place of your normal table in all transactions.
Another option that uses the view is to create an insert rule so that any inserts on the main table go to the view [which uses its trigger], ex (assuming you already have partitioned_insert_trigger
and tablename_view and insert_view_trigger created as listed above)
create RULE use_right_inserter_tablename AS
ON INSERT TO tablename
DO INSTEAD insert into tablename_view VALUES (NEW.*);
Then it will use your new working view wrapper insert.