I\'ve used the .NET class RSACryptoServiceProvider
to get a keypair:
using (RSACryptoServiceProvider rsa = new RSACryptoServiceProvider())
This blog post on using OpenSSL and RSACryptoServiceProvider states that it is possible, but the author ended up using the Chilkat RSA Library to ultimately interoperate with OpenSSL from within C#. The PEM format is not supported in the .NET world so you could use this library from JavaScience called OpenSSLKey.cs; however, as the author of the blog post mentions they had problems due to this (quoted):
OpenSSL: Can only sign small bits of data that fit within a single block. The data is padded and signed. The reverse is called "verify" and in that case the data is "unsigned" and then unpadded and the original data is returned.
[Windows]: Can sign any amount of data. The Sign* methods first hash the data and then the hash is padded and signed. The Verify* methods expect three inputs: the original data, a hash algorithm name, and the signature data. The original data is hashed and the result of unsigning/unpadding is compared with the hash of the original data.
So I recommend you go with the Chilkat RSA library.