I am trying to understand this particular difference between the direct and delegated event handlers using the jQuery .on() method. Specifically, the last
I wro te a post with a comparison of direct events and delegated. I compare pure js but it has the same meaning for jquery which only encapsulate it.
Conclusion is that delegated event handling is for dynamic DOM structure where binded elements can be created while user interact with page ( no need again bindings ), and direct event handling is for static DOM elements, when we know that structure will not change.
For more information and full comparison - http://maciejsikora.com/standard-events-vs-event-delegation/
Using always delegated handlers, which I see is current very trendy is not right way, many programmers use it because "it should be used", but truth is that direct event handlers are better for some situation and the choice which method use should be supported by knowledge of differences.