I\'m creating an FFI module to a library in C which wants a 1-time, non-reentrant function to be called before anything else is. This call is idempotent, but stateful, so I coul
I prefer the approach of initializing once and providing an unforgeable token as evidence that you have initialized the machine.
So your evidence would be:
data Token = Token
which you export abstractly.
Then your initialization function can return this evidence.
init :: IO Token
Now, you need to pass that proof to your API:
bar :: Token -> IO Int
bar !tok = c_call_bar
You can now wrap this stuff up with a monad, or some higher order initialization environment to make it cleaner, but that's the basic idea.
The problem with initializing C libraries using hidden state is that you end up either not being able to parallelize access to the library, or having problems in GHCi, mixing compiled and bytecode, with two different versions of the C library loaded (which will fail with a linker error).