I\'m looking for a sort of reversed func_get_args()
. I would like to find out how the parameters were named when function was defined. The reason for this is I don\
You could use Reflection:
$ref = new ReflectionFunction('myFunction');
foreach( $ref->getParameters() as $param) {
echo $param->name;
Since you're using this in a class, you can use ReflectionMethod instead of ReflectionFunction
$ref = new ReflectionMethod('ClassName', 'myFunction');
Here is a working example:
class ClassName {
public function myFunction($paramJohn, $paramJoe, $paramMyObject)
$ref = new ReflectionMethod($this, 'myFunction');
foreach( $ref->getParameters() as $param) {
$name = $param->name;
$this->$name = $$name;
$o = new ClassName;
$o->myFunction('John', 'Joe', new stdClass);
var_dump( $o);
Where the above var_dump()
object(ClassName)#1 (3) {
string(4) "John"
string(3) "Joe"
object(stdClass)#2 (0) {