I have two classes. First is activity, second is a fragment where I have some EditText
. In activity I have a subclass with async-task and in method doInBa
Sometimes you can receive Intent in your activity and you need to pass the info to your working fragment.
Given answers are OK if you need to start the fragment but if it's still working, setArguments()
is not very useful.
Another problem occurs if the passed information will cause to interact with your UI. In that case you cannot call something like myfragment.passData()
because android will quickly tells that only the thread which created the view can interact with.
So my proposal is to use a receiver. That way, you can send data from anywhere, including the activity, but the job will be done within the fragment's context.
In you fragment's onCreate()
protected DataReceiver dataReceiver;
public static final String REC_DATA = "REC_DATA";
public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
data Receiver = new DataReceiver();
intentFilter = new IntentFilter(REC_DATA);
getActivity().registerReceiver(dataReceiver, intentFilter);
private class DataReceiver extends BroadcastReceiver {
public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) {
int data= intent.getIntExtra("data", -1);
// Do anything including interact with your UI
In you activity:
// somewhere
Intent retIntent = new Intent(RE_DATA);
retIntent.putExtra("data", myData);