How to perform left outer join in C# LINQ to objects without using join-on-equals-into
clauses? Is there any way to do that with where
(from a in db.Assignments
join b in db.Deliveryboys on a.AssignTo equals b.EmployeeId
//from d in eGroup.DefaultIfEmpty()
join c in db.Deliveryboys on a.DeliverTo equals c.EmployeeId into eGroup2
from e in eGroup2.DefaultIfEmpty()
where (a.Collected == false)
select new
OrderId = a.OrderId,
DeliveryBoyID = a.AssignTo,
AssignedBoyName = b.Name,
Assigndate = a.Assigndate,
Collected = a.Collected,
CollectedDate = a.CollectedDate,
CollectionBagNo = a.CollectionBagNo,
DeliverTo = e == null ? "Null" : e.Name,
DeliverDate = a.DeliverDate,
DeliverBagNo = a.DeliverBagNo,
Delivered = a.Delivered