Because the Android SDK 23 gives users the possibility to deny apps access to certain functionalities I wanted to update one of my apps to request permissions as it is described
As @user1991776 mentioned there is actually an undocumented extra that contains whether or not there is a permission dialog open at the moment, in Activity:
private static final String HAS_CURENT_PERMISSIONS_REQUEST_KEY =
However there is a better way. When you request a permission dialog the second time (due to a rotation), Activity
automatically cancels the old dialog by calling your onRequestPermissionResult()
with empty arrays:
public final void requestPermissions(@NonNull String[] permissions, int requestCode) {
if (mHasCurrentPermissionsRequest) {
Log.w(TAG, "Can reqeust only one set of permissions at a time");
// Dispatch the callback with empty arrays which means a cancellation.
onRequestPermissionsResult(requestCode, new String[0], new int[0]);
Intent intent = getPackageManager().buildRequestPermissionsIntent(permissions);
startActivityForResult(REQUEST_PERMISSIONS_WHO_PREFIX, intent, requestCode, null);
mHasCurrentPermissionsRequest = true;
Or course this behaviour isn't documented because this is Android, and who wants to document complex behaviour?
Anyway you can just always request permissions in onCreate()
and then ignore calls to onRequestPermissionsResult()
with zero-length permissions