So I wrote this earlier (in php), but everytime I try echo $test\", I just get back resource id 5. Does anyone know how to actually print out the mysql query from the variable?<
This will print out the query:
$query = "SELECT order_date, no_of_items, shipping_charge, SUM(total_order_amount) as test FROM `orders` WHERE DATE(`order_date`) = DATE(NOW()) GROUP BY DATE(`order_date`)";
$dave= mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error());
print $query;
This will print out the results:
$query = "SELECT order_date, no_of_items, shipping_charge, SUM(total_order_amount) as test FROM `orders` WHERE DATE(`order_date`) = DATE(NOW()) GROUP BY DATE(`order_date`)";
$dave= mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error());
while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($dave)){
foreach($row as $cname => $cvalue){
print "$cname: $cvalue\t";
print "\r\n";