In the days of link shorteners and Ajax, there can be many links that ultimately point to the same content. I was wondering what the best way is to get the final, best link for
I wrote you a little function to do it. It's simple, but it may be a starting point for you. Note: the url returns an invalid URL for it's Location response header.
You'll need the Altumo PHP library for it to work. It's a library that I wrote, but it's MIT license, as is this function.
Also, you'll have to wrap the function in a try/catch.
* Gets the final URL of a URL that will be redirected.
* @param string $url_string
* @throws \Exception //on error
* @return string
function get_final_url( $url_string ){
while( 1 ){
//validate URL
$url = new \Altumo\String\Url( $url_string );
//get the Location response header of the URL
$client = new \Altumo\Http\OutgoingHttpRequest( $url_string );
$response = $client->sendAndGetResponseMessage();
$location = $response->getHeader( 'Location' );
//return the URL if no Location header was found, else continue
if( is_null($location) ){
return $url_string;
$url_string = $location;
echo get_final_url( 'your url here' );
Please let me know if you'd like further modifications or help getting it going.