I have artifactory with multiple snapshots versions such as artifact-0.1-20120831.103456-5
My project depends on specific snapshot version. If I tell SBT
Not the best solution but you may try to use conflict managers provided by Ivy (see apache docs). For example, 'latest-revision' is used by default and 'latest-compatible' manager should disallow any dependency conflicts.
It doesn't look easy to set up though, someone on google sbt group posted the following rule:
def addConflictManager(org: String, name: String, conflictManager: String) =
ivyModule <<= (ivyModule, streams) map { (module, s) =>
module.withModule(s.log) { (ivy, desc, _) =>
import _root_.org.apache.ivy.{core, plugins}
import core.module.id.ModuleId
import plugins.matcher.PatternMatcher
ModuleId.newInstance(org, name),