I have created a UIProgressView
with following properties
progressView.progressTintColor = UIColor.appChallengeColorWithAlpha(1.0)
Another answer to throw in the mix, super hacky but very quick to use.
You can just grab the sublayer and set its radius. No need to write your own UIProgressView or mess with clip paths.
progressView.layer.cornerRadius = 5
progressView.layer.sublayers[1].cornerRadius = 5
progressView.subviews[1]. clipsToBounds = true
progressView.layer.masksToBounds = true
So you round the corner of your overall UIProgressView (no need for ClipsToBounds) Then the fill bar is the 2nd sublayer, so you can grab that and round its Corners, but you also need to set the subview for that layer to clipsToBounds.
Then set the overall layer to mask to its bounds and it all looks good.
Obviously, this is massively reliant on the setup of UIProgressView not changing and the 2nd subview/layer being the fill view.
But. If you're happy with that assumption, super easy code wise to use.