Is it possible to merge array fields in while using MongoDB aggregation framework? Here is a summary problem I am trying to solve:
Sample input documents for aggregation
Here is a trick you can use if Messages is guaranteed to be an array:
> db.messages.find()
{ "Category" : 1, "Messages" : [ "Msg1", "Msg2" ], "Value" : 1 }
{ "Category" : 1, "Messages" : [ ], "Value" : 10 }
{ "Category" : 1, "Messages" : [ "Msg1", "Msg3" ], "Value" : 100 }
{ "Category" : 2, "Messages" : [ "Msg4" ], "Value" : 1000 }
{ "Category" : 2, "Messages" : [ "Msg5" ], "Value" : 10000 }
{ "Category" : 3, "Messages" : [ ], "Value" : 100000 }
> var group1 = {
"$group": {
"_id": "$Category",
"Value": {
"$sum": "$Value"
"Messages": {
"$push": "$Messages"
> var project1 = {
"$project": {
"Value": 1,
"Messages": {
"$cond": [
"$eq": [
[ [ ] ]
[ [ null ] ],
> db.messages.aggregate( group1, project1 )
{ "_id" : 3, "Value" : 100000, "Messages" : [ [ null ] ] }
{ "_id" : 2, "Value" : 11000, "Messages" : [ [ "Msg4" ], [ "Msg5" ] ] }
{ "_id" : 1, "Value" : 111, "Messages" : [ [ "Msg1", "Msg2" ], [ ], [ "Msg1", "Msg3" ] ] }
Now unwind twice and re-group to get a single Messages array.
> var unwind = {"$unwind":"$Messages"};
> var group2 = {
$group: {
"_id": "$_id",
"Value": {
"$first": "$Value"
"Messages": {
"$addToSet": "$Messages"
> var project2 = {
"$project": {
"Category": "$_id",
"_id": 0,
"Value": 1,
"Messages": {
"$cond": [
"$eq": [
[ null ]
[ ],
> db.messages.aggregate(group1, project1, unwind, unwind, group2 ,project2 )
{ "Value" : 111, "Messages" : [ "Msg3", "Msg2", "Msg1" ], "Category" : 1 }
{ "Value" : 11000, "Messages" : [ "Msg5", "Msg4" ], "Category" : 2 }
{ "Value" : 100000, "Messages" : [ ], "Category" : 3 }