There are 2 things that I\'m very confused about.
What is the advantage of using any of ES6 class or Object literals.
And where should I use any
If your class has got a constructor, you can build several objects from this class threw :
var Panier= require('./panier');
var panier1 = new Panier(13, 12, 25);
var panier2 = new Panier(1, 32, 569);
Of course your Panier would be defined in the file Panier.js located in the same directory :
module.exports = class Panier
constructor(code, qte, prix)
this.codeArticle = code;
this.qteArticle = qte;
this.prixArticle = prix;
return this.codeArticle;
return this.qteArticle;
return this.prixArticle;