I have a Perl file like this:
use strict;
sub f3()
{ f2(); }
sub f1()
sub f2()
In short, f1
is called before it is d
If you are going to call it with the parenthesis, why are you even using prototypes?
sub f1(){ ... }
The only time I would use the empty prototype is for a subroutine that I want to work like a constant.
sub PI(){ 3.14159 }
print 'I like ', PI, ", don't you?\n";
I would actually recommend against using Perl 5 prototypes, unless you want your subroutine to behave differently than it would otherwise.
sub rad2deg($){ ... }
say '6.2831 radians is equal to ', rad2deg 6.2831, " degrees, of course.\n";
In this example, you would have to use parenthesis, if it didn't have a prototype. Otherwise it would have gotten an extra argument, and the last string would never get printed.