I need to do analytical integration in C++. For example, I should integrate expressions like this: exp[I(x-y)]
, I
is an imaginary number.
How c
The other C++ libraries I am aware of that do symbolic computation are
If I am not mistaken, SymEngine does not yet support integration; however, Piranha does. The documentation for Piranha is somewhat limited at the moment and is under development, but you can see the integration function here. Note that the second link uses the syntax for the Python wrapper Piranha. However, Piranha "is a computer-algebra library for the symbolic manipulation of sparse multivariate polynomials and other closely-related symbolic objects (such as Poisson series)", so I do not think it can integrate the particular functions in which you may be interested.
Though it is not C++, you may also be interested in SymPy for Python, which can perform some of the more complicated symbolic integration you may be interested in. The documentation for SymPy's integrate is here.