I want to test if a list contains consecutive integers and no repetition of numbers. For example, if I have
l = [1, 3, 5, 2, 4, 6]
It should re
The input to this function is your list.This function returns False if the numbers are repeated. The below code works even if the list does not start with 1.
def check_is_consecutive(l):
sorts the list and
checks if the elements in the list are consecutive
This function does not handle any exceptions.
returns true if the list contains consecutive numbers, else False
l = list(filter(None,l))
l = sorted(l)
if len(l) > 1:
maximum = l[-1]
minimum = l[0] - 1
if minimum == 0:
if sum(l) == (maximum * (maximum+1) /2):
return True
return False
if sum(l) == (maximum * (maximum+1) /2) - (minimum * (minimum+1) /2) :
return True
return False
return True