I\'ve got a div which I need to be fixed to the bottom of the screen, until it reaches some point after scrolling and stop there and stay. If a user start scrolling back up - ma
I had a similar issue with a site. I had a div container that had two columns. A right column that contained long text based articles. In the left column was a div navigation list that contained anchor links to each text article in the right column. I wanted the navigation to scroll with the page. However, it shouldn't go above the texts, or below them. I wrote the following function for it:
Right column of long texts
JS Function:
function shift_text_nav() {
var top = $(window).scrollTop();
var t = $('#texts-container').offset().top;
var left = $('#texts-container').offset().left;
if (top > (t)) {
var text_height = $('#texts').height();
var nav_height = $('#texts-sidebar').height();
if(t + text_height - nav_height - 40< top){
$('#texts-sidebar').css({'position':'absolute','top': (text_height - nav_height) + 'px','left':'0px'});
} else {
$(window).scroll(function() { shift_text_nav(); });
$(window).resize(function() { shift_text_nav(); });