Basically, I need to detect when the progress changes in the SeekBar and draw a text view on top of the thumb indicating the progress value.
I do this by implementing a
A splendid solution! Thanks. It's only nessesary to add that to use custom seekbar you need modify your xml
android:thumbOffset="8dp" - is a HALF of a thumb it's better to spesify, thus there will be no mismatching of the text center and the thumb
Positioning can look like this:
int possition = (int) (seekBar.getX() //the beginning of the seekbar
+ seekBar.getThumbOffset() / 2 //the half of our thumb - the text to be above it's centre
+ ((MySeekBar) seekBar).getSeekBarThumb().getBounds().exactCenterX()); //position of a thumb inside the seek bar