How do I nicely parse a list of program parameters and automate handling \"--help\" and/or \"--version\" (such as \"program [-d value] [--abc] [FILE1]
\") in Go?
Another option is Kingping which provides support for all the standard goodies you have come to expect from a modern command line parsing library. It has --help
in multiple formats, sub-commands, requirements, types, defaults, etc. It's also still under development. It seems like the other suggestions here haven't been updated in a while.
package main
import (
var (
app = kingpin.New("chat", "A command-line chat application.")
debug = app.Flag("debug", "Enable debug mode.").Bool()
serverIP = app.Flag("server", "Server address.").Default("").IP()
register = app.Command("register", "Register a new user.")
registerNick = register.Arg("nick", "Nickname for user.").Required().String()
registerName = register.Arg("name", "Name of user.").Required().String()
post = app.Command("post", "Post a message to a channel.")
postImage = post.Flag("image", "Image to post.").File()
postChannel = post.Arg("channel", "Channel to post to.").Required().String()
postText = post.Arg("text", "Text to post.").Strings()
func main() {
switch kingpin.MustParse(app.Parse(os.Args[1:])) {
// Register user
case register.FullCommand():
// Post message
case post.FullCommand():
if *postImage != nil {
text := strings.Join(*postText, " ")
println("Post:", text)
And the --help
$ chat --help
usage: chat [] [] [ ...]
A command-line chat application.
--help Show help.
--debug Enable debug mode.
--server= Server address.
help []
Show help for a command.
Register a new user.
post [] []
Post a message to a channel.