I have a Ionic 3 project, when I run \"ionic cordova run android --prod\" I see
This error:
This is follow up to hemantv's answer. I was panicking but his answer saved my day, and I was able to successfully compile the app using the locally stored xwalk.
This is what I did and i hope it helps someone out there who's stuck with the same predicament.
I found out the Crosswalk version I have stored locally by running a search (including sub directorys) for "xwalk_core_library" in my app directory and found the file "org.xwalk-xwalk_core_library-17.46.448.10_9bf812c8b76a44fdb31553d48df45b60d1362adc.jar" and figured out the version I had was "org.xwalk-xwalk_core_library-17.46.448.10" (everything after the underscore "_" is irrelevant)
I followed the instructions and opened up the platforms\android\cordova-plugin-crosswalk-webview*-xwalk.gradle in a text editor
dependencies {
compile xwalkSpec
replaced with
dependencies {
compile 'org.xwalk:xwalk_core_library:17.46.448.10'
reattempted to compile and it worked like a charm.