Prettify gives types and methods the same class when tokenizing c# so they are colored the same. This is because methods are pascal case in c# instead of camel case like in java
It is possible for identical syntax to have different meanings. There just isn't enough information to properly syntax highlight everything.
Take a look at this example:
static class Program
class Foo { public class Bar { public static void Func() { } } }
class Foo2 { public static Baz Bar2 { get; set; } }
class Baz { public void Func2() { } }
static void Main()
In the first line, Bar is an inner class, and should be highlighted green. In the second line, Bar2 is a property of type Foo2, and should be highlighted black. Both Func and Func2 are functions, and should be highlighted black.
Here's how Visual Studio highlights that code.