I found an android app named Super Erase that deletes files and folder permanently from android device so that the file deleted cant be recovered anymore..here is the applicatio
There are two answers to this question.
First, to answer the direct question of how some of these apps might be doing secure single file delete: what you do is actually open the file and replace the contents with zeros many times. The method sounds stupid, but I have worked with filesystem-level encryption on Android in the past and I found that the above holds true for many secure file delete solutions out there. For a seemingly compliant security, you can repeat writing zeros 7 times (or whatever the NIST standards specify for your hardware type).
Charset charset = StandardCharsets.UTF_8;
String content = new String(Files.readAllBytes(path), charset);
content = content.replaceAll("*", "0");
Files.write(path, content.getBytes(charset));
The right answer to this question is however different. On modern SSD drives and operating systems, it is insecure to delete single files. Therefore, these apps don't really offer a compelling product. Modern operating systems store fragments of the file in different places, and it is possible that even after you have zeroed out the most recent version of the file block-by-block and also overwrote all metadata, that a fragment from an older version of the file might be left over in another part of the drive.
The only secure way to delete sensitive content from a disk is to zero out the entire disk multiple times before discarding the disk.
@LarsH's answer about wiping all unallocated space after deleting files is compelling, but perhaps impractical. If you simply want to secure delete files so no one can scan the disk to recover it, then a better solution is the full-disk encryption. This was in-fact the entire appeal of full-disk encryption. This is why Apple stopped supporting secure file delete in their Mac OSX and iOS, and switched to full-disk encryption as default on all iPhones. Android phones have full-disk encryption as well now.
If you are looking for a true solution for a customer, your best bet is to use single file encryption. Once you destroy your key which only your app would know, there is no way to decrypt the file even if someone found it on the disk.
There exists no real solution for deleting files securely on SSDs. You can only give a false sense of security to non-technical people who still remember the old HDD days.