I am trying to configure the web hook on GitHub so that it can send the POST to
My Jenkins is running on
If you want to try to run Jenkins on localhost, the other way around is that, install ngrok: https://ngrok.com/download which expose localhost urls over internet. After installation of the ngrok run it e.g
./ngrok http 8080
It will give you a url like this: http://3b2db437.ngrok.io
Now under payloadUrl: type the url as:
Now the localhost Jenkins setup would run and the payload error would be gone.
Note: In above URL, you mentioned 8080 again. Since the url generated on ngrok already contains this, adding it again would result in service timeout error : "We couldn’t deliver this payload: Service Timeout".
To avoid this, you want to edit your webhook as (removing :8080) " http://3b2db437.ngrok.io/github-webhook/
This solved the problem.
Also a tip for end users: I forgot to add a trailing forward slash after github-webhook/, which caused issues for me. I saw others also doing the same mistake and found answers on StackOverflow. Maybe something to be careful about.