I\'m using the following code to output values of properties:
string output = String.Empty;
string stringy = \"stringy\";
int inty = 4;
Foo spong = new Foo() {Na
Just as reference... if you want to avoid the TargetParameterCountException when reading properties values:
// Ask each childs to notify also, if any could (if possible)
foreach (PropertyInfo prop in options.GetType().GetProperties())
if (prop.CanRead) // Does the property has a "Get" accessor
if (prop.GetIndexParameters().Length == 0) // Ensure that the property does not requires any parameter
var notify = prop.GetValue(options) as INotifyPropertyChanged;
if (notify != null)
notify.PropertyChanged += options.OptionsBasePropertyChanged;
// Will get TargetParameterCountException if query:
// var notify = prop.GetValue(options) as INotifyPropertyChanged;
Hope it helps ;-)