I have created a PCL project, I host Mac with Visual Studio but when run iOS project, it gives error:
The details from Gerald Versluis were helpful for me. The got me 90% of the way through the task. I was getting the same build error on Visual Studio 2015 with Mac Mini build host. The solution for me was to go back to Certificates, Identifiers & Profiles in https://developer.apple.com/account/ios/profile/create and ENSURE that I configured a profile.
here is an image
It was only after I did that did I see a record available for download in the Accounts modal windows of the XCode preferences, as shown below.
After I clicked "Download All" THEN the build was successful in VS 2015.
Hope this helps someone who has followed Gerald's detailed steps above, since that got me 90% there. Thank you.
Also, keep this logic in mind: I was unable to build in VS until I was able to build succcessfully in Xamarin Studio Community.