I was wondering how people were going about sorting a table in asp.net mvc? I\'ve heard of javascript solutions that work pretty well with non-paged tables, such as jquery\'s ta
Definately liking Jan's solution - thanks a lot Jan... You just saved me some 60 lines of code with a case statement parsing each of the column headers. The solution "makes a great toggle click, only sort by 1 column solution on tables", when used with two session variables, one to retain the ASC/DESC as a boolean and one to hold the Type/Column Name.
I used this C# Example Extension and implemented it with VB this afternoon. I managed to cut a 30 line case statement into one line of code.
Date ">
THE EXTENSION (Public Module OrderByExtender):
Imports System.Linq.Expressions
Public Function OrderBy(Of T)(collection As IEnumerable(Of T), key As String, isDescending As Boolean) As IOrderedEnumerable(Of T)
Dim sortLambda As LambdaExpression = BuildLambda(Of T)(key)
If isDescending Then
Return collection.OrderByDescending(DirectCast(sortLambda.Compile(), Func(Of T, Object)))
Return collection.OrderBy(DirectCast(sortLambda.Compile(), Func(Of T, Object)))
End If
End Function
Public Function ThenBy(Of T)(collection As IOrderedEnumerable(Of T), key As String, isDescending As Boolean) As IOrderedEnumerable(Of T)
Dim sortLambda As LambdaExpression = BuildLambda(Of T)(key)
If (isDescending) Then
Return collection.ThenByDescending(DirectCast(sortLambda.Compile(), Func(Of T, Object)))
Return collection.ThenBy(DirectCast(sortLambda.Compile(), Func(Of T, Object)))
End If
End Function
Private Function BuildLambda(Of T)(key As String) As LambdaExpression
Dim TParameterExpression As ParameterExpression = Expression.Parameter(GetType(T), "p")
Dim sortLambda As LambdaExpression = Expression.Lambda(Expression.Convert(Expression.[Property](TParameterExpression, key), GetType(Object)), TParameterExpression)
Return sortLambda
End Function
Public Function SortStationVisits(Optional page As Integer = 1, Optional SortField As String = "") As ActionResult
Dim sps = LoadSession()
If SortField = sps.StationVisitSorter Then
sps.StationVisitDescOrder = Not (sps.StationVisitDescOrder)
sps.StationVisitDescOrder = False
End If
sps.StationVisitSorter = SortField
Return RedirectToAction("Show")
End Function
AT THE CONTROLLER SHOW METHOD (1 line of code W00T!) :
spv.SelectableStationVisits = spv.SelectableStationVisits.OrderBy(sps.StationVisitSorter, sps.StationVisitDescOrder).ToList