I am currently writing some glsl like vector math classes in C++, and I just implemented an abs()
function like this:
What is your compiler and settings? I'm sure MS and GCC implement "intrinsic functions" for many math and string operations.
The following line:
printf("%.3f", abs(1.25));
falls into the following "fabs" code path (in msvcr90d.dll):
004113DE sub esp,8
004113E1 fld qword ptr [__real@3ff4000000000000 (415748h)]
004113E7 fstp qword ptr [esp]
004113EA call abs (4110FFh)
abs call the C runtime 'fabs' implementation on MSVCR90D (rather large):
102F5730 mov edi,edi
102F5732 push ebp
102F5733 mov ebp,esp
102F5735 sub esp,14h
102F5738 fldz
102F573A fstp qword ptr [result]
102F573D push 0FFFFh
102F5742 push 133Fh
102F5747 call _ctrlfp (102F6140h)
102F574C add esp,8
102F574F mov dword ptr [savedcw],eax
102F5752 movzx eax,word ptr [ebp+0Eh]
102F5756 and eax,7FF0h
102F575B cmp eax,7FF0h
102F5760 jne fabs+0D2h (102F5802h)
102F5766 sub esp,8
102F5769 fld qword ptr [x]
102F576C fstp qword ptr [esp]
102F576F call _sptype (102F9710h)
102F5774 add esp,8
102F5777 mov dword ptr [ebp-14h],eax
102F577A cmp dword ptr [ebp-14h],1
102F577E je fabs+5Eh (102F578Eh)
102F5780 cmp dword ptr [ebp-14h],2
102F5784 je fabs+77h (102F57A7h)
102F5786 cmp dword ptr [ebp-14h],3
102F578A je fabs+8Fh (102F57BFh)
102F578C jmp fabs+0A8h (102F57D8h)
102F578E push 0FFFFh
102F5793 mov ecx,dword ptr [savedcw]
102F5796 push ecx
102F5797 call _ctrlfp (102F6140h)
102F579C add esp,8
102F579F fld qword ptr [x]
102F57A2 jmp fabs+0F8h (102F5828h)
102F57A7 push 0FFFFh
102F57AC mov edx,dword ptr [savedcw]
102F57AF push edx
102F57B0 call _ctrlfp (102F6140h)
102F57B5 add esp,8
102F57B8 fld qword ptr [x]
102F57BB fchs
102F57BD jmp fabs+0F8h (102F5828h)
102F57BF mov eax,dword ptr [savedcw]
102F57C2 push eax
102F57C3 sub esp,8
102F57C6 fld qword ptr [x]
102F57C9 fstp qword ptr [esp]
102F57CC push 15h
102F57CE call _handle_qnan1 (102F98C0h)
102F57D3 add esp,10h
102F57D6 jmp fabs+0F8h (102F5828h)
102F57D8 mov ecx,dword ptr [savedcw]
102F57DB push ecx
102F57DC fld qword ptr [x]
102F57DF fadd qword ptr [__real@3ff0000000000000 (1022CF68h)]
102F57E5 sub esp,8
102F57E8 fstp qword ptr [esp]
102F57EB sub esp,8
102F57EE fld qword ptr [x]
102F57F1 fstp qword ptr [esp]
102F57F4 push 15h
102F57F6 push 8
102F57F8 call _except1 (102F99B0h)
102F57FD add esp,1Ch
102F5800 jmp fabs+0F8h (102F5828h)
102F5802 mov edx,dword ptr [ebp+0Ch]
102F5805 and edx,7FFFFFFFh
102F580B mov dword ptr [ebp-0Ch],edx
102F580E mov eax,dword ptr [x]
102F5811 mov dword ptr [result],eax
102F5814 push 0FFFFh
102F5819 mov ecx,dword ptr [savedcw]
102F581C push ecx
102F581D call _ctrlfp (102F6140h)
102F5822 add esp,8
102F5825 fld qword ptr [result]
102F5828 mov esp,ebp
102F582A pop ebp
102F582B ret
In release mode, the FPU FABS instruction is used instead (takes 1 clock cycle only on FPU >= Pentium), the dissasembly output is:
00401006 fld qword ptr [__real@3ff4000000000000 (402100h)]
0040100C sub esp,8
0040100F fabs
00401011 fstp qword ptr [esp]
00401014 push offset string "%.3f" (4020F4h)
00401019 call dword ptr [__imp__printf (4020A0h)]