I\'m trying to execute Inkscape by passing data via stdin
. Inkscape only supports this via /dev/stdin
. Basically, I\'m trying to do something like this
The problem comes from the fact that file descriptors in node are sockets and that linux (and probably most Unices) won't let you open /dev/stdin if it's a socket.
I found this explanation by bnoordhuis on https://github.com/nodejs/node-v0.x-archive/issues/3530#issuecomment-6561239
The given solution is close to @nmrugg's answer :
var run = spawn("sh", ["-c", "cat | your_command_using_dev_stdin"]);
After further work, you can now use the https://www.npmjs.com/package/posix-pipe module to make sure that the process sees a stdin that is not a socket.
look at the 'should pass data to child process' test in this module which boils down to
var p = pipe()
var proc = spawn('your_command_using_dev_stdin', [ .. '/dev/stdin' .. ],
{ stdio: [ p[0], 'pipe', 'pipe' ] })
p[0].destroy() // important to avoid reading race condition between parent/child