I have a laptop with a GeForce 940 MX. I want to get Tensorflow up and running on the gpu. I installed everything from their tutorial page, now when I import Tensorflow, I get>
In the case I just solved, it was updating the GPU driver to the latest and installing the cuda toolkit. First, the ppa was added and GPU driver installed:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:graphics-drivers/ppa
sudo apt update
sudo apt install nvidia-390
After adding the ppa, it showed options for driver versions, and 390 was the latest 'stable' version that was shown.
Then install the cuda toolkit:
sudo apt install nvidia-cuda-toolkit
Then reboot:
sudo reboot
It updated the drivers to a newer version than the 390 originally installed in the first step (it was 410; this was a p2.xlarge instance on AWS).