Here's a starter for 10, in Scala, revised a few times. I don't know of any issues, and I have no other ideas for further reducing the moves
Runs as a Scala script.
Bits of this are quite elegant (IMO) but other bits are an ugly hack
Shortest code (but non-optimal moves), tracking position of disks rather than list of disks on rods (idea shamelessly stolen from the Perl solution)
val r=args(0).split(",",-1);var d=Map{{for(q<-0 to 2 if""!=r(q);n<-r(q).split('-').map{_.toInt})yield(n,q+1)}:_*};val n=d.max._1;var m="";def s(f:Int,t:Int,n:Int):Unit=if(n!=0&&f!=t){s(f,6-f-t,n-1);d=d+(n->t);m=m+","+f+t;s(6-f-t,t,n-1)};for(c<- 2 to n)s(d(1),d(c),c-1);if(m=="")s(d(1),d(1)%3+1,n);println(m.tail.replaceAll("(.),?\\1",""))
Puzzle is taken from the command line.
338 bytes. Not too shabby since this is a statically typed language, and still relatively readable (if you replace ; with newlines)
Readable version follows (with more optimal moves)
val rods = args(0).split(",", -1);
var diskLocation = Map{
for (rod <-0 to 2 if rods(rod).nonEmpty;
n <-rods(rod).split('-').map{_.toInt})
yield(n, rod + 1)
val nDisks = diskLocation.max._1
var moves = ""
def moveTower(start:Int, end:Int, n:Int):Unit =
if (n != 0) {
val other = 6 - start - end
moveTower(start, other, n - 1)
moveDisk(n, end)
moveTower(other, end, n - 1)
def moveDisk(n:Int, end:Int) = {
moves = moves + "," + diskLocation(n) + end
diskLocation = diskLocation.updated(n, end);
for (c <- 2 to nDisks) {
var firstLocation = diskLocation(1)
var nextLocation = diskLocation(c)
if (firstLocation != nextLocation) {
if (c != nDisks) {
val diskAfter = diskLocation(c + 1)
if (diskAfter != firstLocation && diskAfter != nextLocation) {
moveDisk(c, diskAfter)
nextLocation = diskAfter
moveTower(diskLocation(1), diskLocation(c), c - 1);
if (moves == "")
moveTower(diskLocation(1), diskLocation(1)%3 + 1, nDisks)