This is my first time working with react js , im trying to remove the alert when leaving this view cause i don\'t want to show it on the other view but in case that there is no
I think you can solve the problem at the root but that means changing useCombinedReducers, I forked the repo and created a pull request because I don't think useCombinedReducers should return a new reference for dispatch every time you call it.
function memoize(fn) {
let lastResult,
//initial last arguments is not going to be the same
// as anything you will pass to the function the first time
lastArguments = [{}];
return (...currentArgs) => {
//returning memoized function
//check if currently passed arguments are the same as
// arguments passed last time
const sameArgs =
currentArgs.length === lastArguments.length &&
(result, lastArg, index) =>
result &&, currentArgs[index]),
if (sameArgs) {
//current arguments are same as last so just
// return the last result and don't execute function
return lastResult;
//current arguments are not the same as last time
// or function called for the first time, execute the
// function and set last result
lastResult = fn.apply(null, currentArgs);
//set last args to current args
lastArguments = currentArgs;
//return result
return lastResult;
const createDispatch = memoize((...dispatchers) => action =>
dispatchers.forEach(fn => fn(action)),
const createState = memoize(combinedReducers =>
(acc, key) => ({ ...acc, [key]: combinedReducers[key][0] }),
const useCombinedReducers = combinedReducers => {
// Global State
const state = createState(combinedReducers);
const dispatchers = Object.values(combinedReducers).map(
([, dispatch]) => dispatch,
// Global Dispatch Function
const dispatch = createDispatch(...dispatchers);
return [state, dispatch];
export default useCombinedReducers;
Here is a working example:
const reduceA = (state, { type }) =>
type === 'a' ? { count: state.count + 1 } : state;
const reduceC = (state, { type }) =>
type === 'c' ? { count: state.count + 1 } : state;
const state = { count: 1 };
function App() {
const [a, b] = React.useReducer(reduceA, state);
const [c, d] = React.useReducer(reduceC, state);
//memoize what is passed to useCombineReducers
const obj = React.useMemo(
() => ({ a: [a, b], c: [c, d] }),
[a, b, c, d]
//does not do anything with reduced state
const [, reRender] = React.useState();
const [s, dispatch] = useCombinedReducers(obj);
const rendered = React.useRef(0);
const [sc, setSc] = React.useState(0);
const [dc, setDc] = React.useState(0);
rendered.current++;//display how many times this is rendered
React.useEffect(() => {//how many times state changed
setSc(x => x + 1);
}, [s]);
React.useEffect(() => {//how many times dispatch changed
setDc(x => x + 1);
}, [dispatch]);
return (
rendered {rendered.current} times
state changed {sc} times
dispatch changed {dc} times
{JSON.stringify(s, undefined, 2)}
function memoize(fn) {
let lastResult,
//initial last arguments is not going to be the same
// as anything you will pass to the function the first time
lastArguments = [{}];
return (...currentArgs) => {
//returning memoized function
//check if currently passed arguments are the same as
// arguments passed last time
const sameArgs =
currentArgs.length === lastArguments.length &&
(result, lastArg, index) =>
result &&, currentArgs[index]),
if (sameArgs) {
//current arguments are same as last so just
// return the last result and don't execute function
return lastResult;
//current arguments are not the same as last time
// or function called for the first time, execute the
// function and set last result
lastResult = fn.apply(null, currentArgs);
//set last args to current args
lastArguments = currentArgs;
//return result
return lastResult;
const createDispatch = memoize((...dispatchers) => action =>
dispatchers.forEach(fn => fn(action))
const createState = memoize(combinedReducers =>
(acc, key) => ({
[key]: combinedReducers[key][0],
const useCombinedReducers = combinedReducers => {
// Global State
const state = createState(combinedReducers);
const dispatchers = Object.values(combinedReducers).map(
([, dispatch]) => dispatch
// Global Dispatch Function
const dispatch = createDispatch(...dispatchers);
return [state, dispatch];
ReactDOM.render( , document.getElementById('root'));